The internet is being optimized into irrelevance. Every platform and creative tool follows the same path: birth, promise, corruption, extraction. The AI boom that has occurred over the past two years has made this exceedingly worse. There is a strange sense of time dilation online. Everything moves faster while going nowhere. Models improve, techniques evolve, and capabilities expand exponentially.
I miss and long greatly for the communities I was raised in. Weird spaces that followed no rules except their users' obsessions. In the process of the internet maturing, becoming acceptable to those who were initially only tourists, we've lost that magic to algorithms, metrics and engagement scores. The current paradigm is psychological exploitation running on dopamine loops. Every creative act must be instantly performed, measured, validated. We've built systems that turn imagination into anxiety, dreams into constant nightmare.
Real communities have always formed in the spaces between algorithms. Small groups finding each other through shared interests, growing organically, splitting up and dying when they need to. Forced scale and widespread appeasement kills depth and meaning, replacing genuine connection with metrics.
I want something more, and it seems like many others do too. Latent Echo will be my attempt at creating such a space. I hope to share more soon.